New Do

New Do

Monday, January 7, 2008

Kathy is doing well and resting

I was at the hospital tonight and saw Kathy for a short visit after her surgery. While I was there, she was already eating jello and drinking clear fluids. She'd been out of bed, and her color was coming back.

The surgery went well. There were some nodes removed, but I'm not exactly sure how many. Paul said the surgeon was very optimistic and the plastic surgeon was very happy with the results.

Kathy is a trouper. After she had her snack she spoke briefly to each of the boys on the phone and then put her head down and went to sleep. She was resting comfortably when I left her and Paul around 9ish. They are saying she will come home around noon tomorrow, but she looked pretty tired, so I'm hoping they let her rest up a little while longer.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Kathy. Now REST up so you can get your strength back.

Love Ya,


Dawn said...

Kath, get well so you can show me some new dance moves on "hairspray" night. Much Love, Dawn

Jody said...

We're so glad to hear things went well. You and your family our in our thoughts.
Jody, Jon, and Hannah

Kim said...

Kathy- We are sending all of our positive thoughts your way. Take good care of yourself and rest. Love, Kim and Harry