New Do

New Do

Saturday, January 26, 2008

almost 3 weeks post-op

Hi everyone,
Well, it has been almost 3 weeks since my surgery. I had the port put in on Monday and it seems to not agree with me. It has been a tough week. The port has been causing me a lot of pain and there really shouldn't be any. On Thurs. they ran tests to check on the placement and functioning status of the port and for possible blood clots. Everything looked okay. We were considering taking the port out, but that would create a problem when it comes time for the chemo treatments. It seems that the problem is most likely a pinched/inflamed the nerve either up in my neck or under the collar bone or both. So the plan is to suck it up for the weekend with a little pain med. and a lot of ibuprofen and see if we can get the nerves to settle down. Cross your fingers for me will ya? I will meet with the Oncologist on Monday am and a P.T. for this nerve stuff. We then set a game plan for when to start the chemo. Remember, I WILL lose my hair. I am going to look a bit weird with either a wig or a bald head so no looking at me funny! Just say," Why Kathy, you look so good!". Just kidding!

Today my Pilates certification group is coming up so that we can practice and study together. The testing date is Feb. 23. I just have to do the teaching and written portions since I did the practical earlier... although my Pilates pals are sweating it out for that part too! They'll be fine. They are a great group of women who have been so kind and supportive to me since my diagnosis. I will be calling on you Pilates volunteers this week so I can get my hours in. Thanks to all who have volunteered. It's a big help!

My baby John turns 16 on Sunday! I hope to have a little something planned for him. He sure seems to be turning out to be a pretty great person. I am biased though. Ryan was one of the leads in his 6th grade play this week. He blew us away!! He was so comfortable acting and singing up there on stage. Many of my relatives came to the show to check him out. Sam is at UNH, but he make a point to come and even brought two UNH/ORHS buddies too. Thanks Ev and Ryan for coming. It made my Ryan feel great!

Whew! This was a long entry. Sorry if I have blabbed on! This must mean that I am feeling better already! Again, thanks to everyone. Great food. Many cards and e-mails. Paul teases me about the cards and calls them by "fan mail". Ignore him, I love mail!! The women who are cleaning my house are doing such an unbelievable job and are so sweet. What a treat to have such a clean house. All of you are making this journey a lot easier for me. Whether you know it or not, every little gesture makes a difference. I will take with me what all of you are doing for me and give the same back to others whenever I can.


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