New Do

New Do

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June Update - the finish line has likely been moved out a bit

Hey Friends of Kathy,
I know lots of people have been scheming about a great big party to celebrate the end of Kathy's treatments. AND, I know the Kerrigans and family have been scheming a great big party to thank all of the people who helped them get through the treatments. Mark your calendars for the end of the summer sometime, though...

Since the last day of chemo, there have been some discussions about a course of radiation in the next month or two - but things are still under discussion at this point. The chances are pretty good that Kathy will do a 6 week course of radiation, probably 5 days per week sometime this summer, but nothing is decided for sure.

This is not a completely unexpected thing, and shouldn't cause alarm. There was some early talk of this, but with some new docs weighing in at this point, the suggestion has been raised again and seems like the most aggressive and prudent way to proceed.

Kathy will probably post again after she moves out of limbo and knows what the plan is. For now, though, we should plan to celebrate a bit later. We can all just morph our celebratory hugs into more strength and support to get through this last extra bit further to the finish line.

I know Kathy loves you all and is so glad you are behind her as she makes this journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kathy and family, just know in a few years this will be looked back upon as a minor speed bump. You are almost at the finish line, it may have moved a bit but it is still there. Take care, Doug and Kim