New Do

New Do

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Not long now!!!

Hi Friends,
Today is Mother's Day. What a special day for me! All I asked for was for my four boys to be together with me for the day. I really didn't need a special gift or activity to do with them , I just wanted to be with the four of them, all together, for a few hours. The love and comradarie they share gives me such joy. They are funny, joyful, playful, and kind to one another. What more could a mom want? Little do they know how significant this Mother's Day is to me. As I approach the end of my treatment I am so cognizant of my blessings. I adore my husband and my sons. Are they perfect? NO. But they are more than I could ever have hoped for. I have unbelievable support and strength from my family and from Paul's family. I have SO many kind and caring friends. Our commuity has embraced us and taken care of our family during our time of need. My gratitude to you all is un-ending!! I do not know how to thank all of the people who have cooked meals for us during this difficult time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!

I have just one more chemo treatment to go. This last one was more difficult than I expected. Of course, I expect each one to go well without a hitch. So I am always thrown when it doesn't go as smoothly as I expected it to go. May 19th is my last chemo day. I am so excited to put this all behind me. So please join me in celebration on the 19th of May!

As always, with my love and gratitide,

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