New Do

New Do

Thursday, March 20, 2008

halfway on Monday

Hello friends!
I'm sorry for not posting sooner. I know that many of you check frequently and must be frustrated with the lack of new info. I was having some trouble getting onto my own Blog! My blog guru, my sister Jennie, was away on the lovely island of St. Maarten enjoying the sunshine and beaches.
Monday will be my fourth chemo and last with the first set of drugs. That means four more to go. A friend tells me that she had a much easier time with the second drug. Sounds good to me! I have really been feeling pretty good. I had been told that the effects of the chemo were cumulative, but I guess I kind of ignored that warning. Well it hit me last week a bit harder than I expected. I have been a bit more tired and nauseous, but nothig that isn't manageable. I am still plugging away with my Pilates teaching and enjoying the time I get with all of you students! I have been able to get some time on my treadmill and have been taking some nice long walks with Ryan and Kevin after school. I've also been doing some Zumba, Latin dance. So much fun!
Well so much for the cute new haircut! Yup, I am now a baldie. I got the wig, but have yet to wear it. It sort of makes me think that I am in a play or dressing up for Halloween or something weird like that. I have been sticking with the hats and scarves for now. Paul and the boys seem totally un-fazed by my new look. When I am at home I just march about with my bald head and earrings! I must say I really don't like not having hair and I'm not sure I can really get used to this. But, I don't have much of a choice... so I will just have to suck it up!
Tonight we are going to a fashion show at the high school that benefits Relay for Life. Sam was one of the models when he was at the high school and now John will be doing it. It's a lot of fun and they have a great raffle. We win something every year!
Abby, my niece and photographer, has said that she would take some new pictures for the blog. So, I will post again soon. As always, thanks to all for the great meals, cards, rides, playdates and positive thoughts and prayers! We greatly appreciate the continued support and kindness we have been given by all of you!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Almost halfway done with chemo and spring is coming!

Kathy is planning to post again soon after we solve some technology issues, but I wanted to put an update on her progress before too long. I spoke with her on the phone yesterday. She is remarkably upbeat, although the third chemo definitely brought a few more side effects, especially fatigue and some nausea. She is wearing her hats to keep her head warm, and for those of you who haven't seen her, she is beautiful. I always knew she had pretty blue eyes, but for some reason now they just jump out at you. I don't have much news, but I think Kathy will post soon.